In this age of impersonal e-mails and faxes, when handwritten correspondence is growing increasingly scarce, collecting autographs and historical manuscripts is a link with the past--a "slice of history" that autograph aficionados insist is more intimate and revealing than coins or stamps. On engraved letterheads or even scraps of tattered paper, the genius and personal feelings of the world's greatest figures come alive. We can read tomes about artists, statesmen and scientists, yet here, right in our hands, are their pithy confessions, underscoring all the wit and wisdom that have made them immortal. Autographs are written evidence of the great men and women who have themselves been written about in history for their thoughts and action.

As India celebrates its 60th year of independence Imprints attempts to pay tribute to some great Indians who have contributed in diverse fields ranging from Politics to Philanthropy, Science to Sports and Arts to Adventure. The personalities from the various fields are broadly divided into five different categories viz. Inspirers, Innovators, Imagineers, Impressionists and Idols. The people who have contributed to India’s success as a vibrant nation dynamic democracy and a global power are many; the exhibition is by no means exhaustive as these autographs are from a personal collection. The personalities showcased truly represent an era and Imprints is merely a small attempt to showcase these great Indians who for our tomorrow sacrificed their today.

Imprints is dedicated to the common Indian the “Aam Aadmi” who truly contributes towards making India a nation to be proud of and for every Indian to believe that “Mera Bharat Mahan” meaning “My India : Magnificent”.

Jai Hind.

Imprints of Inspirers

Imprints of Inspirers
Politicians, philanthropists, public personalities—these are the men and women who have given hope and direction to India and inspired generations thereafter.

Imprints of Innovators

Imprints of Innovators
From dams to cooperative milk farms, people who have impacted the growth of India and have contributed to her prosperity.

Imprints of Imagineers

Imprints of Imagineers
Engineers and scientists who, through their imagination overthrew our inherited ideas about logic, language, learning, mathematics, economics and strived to make India a global power.

Imprints of Idols

Imprints of Idols
With some it is their bravery that inspires; for others, their physical skills. And then these are those who have fought against odds, went to space or simply been a world champ.

Imprints of Impressionists

Imprints of Impressionists
In Music and movies, dance and drama, art and architecture, culture and cartoons, they have explored new territories, set new standards and above all made India proud of its diverse and rich culture.

Imprints of Idols

With some it is their bravery that inspires; for others, their physical skills. And then these are those who have fought against odds, went to space or simply been a world champ.

Dhyan Chand